Posts Tagged ‘CENELEC’


Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

Hazardous Area ATEX Inspections

“We provide CompEx certified / IECEx certified hazardous area inspection engineers, electricians and technicians who are highly experienced in the field of hazardous area IEC, ATEX, IECEx and DSEAR compliance.”

ATEX Inspections    –   IEC Inspections   –   Ex Inspections           

We assist customers with optimising their Ex asset performance, safety and integrity through delivering the following hazardous area inspection services:

  • Ex Inspection of Existing and New Ex Equipment
  • Ex Hazardous Area Inspection Strategy Development & Implementation
  • Compiling Ex Registers and Client Databases
  • Ensuring Verification of all Installed ‘Ex’ Equipment Databases
  • Ensuring Compliance with all Standards and Regulations
  • Gap Analysis and Reporting of Current Ex Inspection Procedures
  • Explosion Protection Documents
  • Ex Installation & Maintenance Project Management
  • Ex Remedial Repairs

Our hazardous area inspection services provide assistance with the compliance of electrical installations in potentially explosive atmospheres for new and existing plant.

We deliver hazardous area inspections for customers across a wide range of industries, including the Chemical, Steel, Oil, Petro-chemical, Water, Pharmaceutical, Gas, Offshore & Heavy Engineering industries.

We assist our clients in asset management, the verification of the integrity of their ‘Ex’ equipment and systems, provide cost effective solutions and ultimately help to develop a path towards full compliance.

Our CompEx certified inspectors deliver comprehensive hazardous area inspection schedules and inspection reports, advising on corrective action where necessary and provide assurance that you are complying with all the very latest international standards, codes and practices and meeting your legal obligations.

Our teams of competent hazardous area inspection engineers have worked in hazardous areas over many years and are CompEx qualified for explosive gases and vapours, intrinsically safe systems and combustible dusts

Read more about our hazardous area inspection services